Pleased to announce that our Quality Management System (QMS), has been recertified as achieving the…

Free Project Tools to become 1% better every day in 2019: Paperless Tech
Remember to visit our download centre to obtain free tools to manage your projects on a no-fee basis for unfamiliar Project Leaders to explore these concepts.
Our ‘beginning of the year message’ is a little different this year. Here at Dada Enterprises one of our strongest values is to be 1% better every day. So this year we invite you to join us on this journey: instead of traditional new year’s resolutions, tell us how you are going to be 1% better at every day in 2019?
Siemens store and transport 4m of A4 sheets annually. Scale that across the industry and our current methods of working are neither environmentally friendly nor smart. It is time to challenge the way planning documentation is produced, shared and stored for their teams by moving away from traditionally accepted paper copies in favor of tablets and mobile technology and to bring savings
Benefits of managing your Project mobility
- Brief your teams and obtain signatures with speed and flexibility on site
- Paperwork doesn’t get missed
- Obtain the latest version of documents
- Consistent format of information
- Review and accept safety critical and commercial packs on your tablet and mobile
- Update your Hazard directory and Asset Registers directly from areas of work
- Reduced driving to obtain signatures
- Reduced storage costs without the need for physical data management
- Reduced paper, ink and time spent by planners producing packs
- Responsible Managers can review, verify or authorise work without having to travel to an office or worksite
- Document and report close calls with pictures of the site
- Use basic and available software (Adobe Acrobat Writer Standard)
- Low IT set-up costs through subscription model pricing

Think about how much time is spent filling in Work Package Plans (WPP) and Construction Phase Plans (CPP) with essential information on whom to report to on-site, safety procedures, possession limits, isolation limits and construction timetable sequence.

Now imagine if rather that all this sorting and sifting, cutting and pasting, you can automate your processes and workflows whilst at the same time allowing for mass customisation.
*Bonus: as an extra reward, when you book you’ll receive a 10% discount on all systems and services booked by January 31st – quote code “1% Better”.
However Dada will supply pre-built NEC workflows and forms which can be mapped to meet the unique process of any particular team which allow you to track progress of work through personalised workflows in a highly visual manner.
Electronically store documents for easier reference in the future. Now, safe work packs can be shared and viewed easily at any location.
The main purpose of representing work as a card on the Kanban board is to allow team members to track the progress of work through its workflow in a highly visual manner.
Based on the visual Kanban billboards of Toyota’s “just-in-time” (JIT) production system methodology they feature critical information about that particular work item, giving the entire team full visibility into who is responsible for that item of work, a brief description of the job being done, how long that piece of work is estimated to take, and so on.
Claim your free personalised Mobile App. Plug-in, play and test for yourself using your own processes for 30 days.
Remember to visit our download centre to obtain free tools to manage your projects on a no-fee basis for unfamiliar Project Leaders to explore these concepts.