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None of us can be sure what the “new normal” will be once businesses can escape from the restrictions of the lockdown, but it is likely that the strategic plans you had in place before the pandemic are going to need to be revised. Your current portfolio of projects, many of which may still be on-hold, may not be the right initiatives to allow you to survive the economic fallout. Similarly they may not be the right ones, in the right structure, to thrive once the economy restarts and the new required ways of working become clearer.

Preparing for the “new-normal” may involve changes to existing commercial arrangements, operating and risk management procedures; all of which would have to be worked through with Suppliers. For many targeted help to reprioritise, reschedule and refinance projects will be needed. For others support managing Termination Notices, Force Majeure CEs and WIP Accounting will be required.

Making the right investment decisions in your Exit Strategy

To help you at this time DADA have partnered with InovaPrime to develop a low-risk, low-cost entry strategic prioritisation service. We can help you make the right decisions by working with you to capture all the potential projects, consistently evaluated using weighted criteria, with consideration of the available capacity to deliver them over time. Now you can get timely, actionable information and dashboards to allocate the appropriate funding required.

What You Get

  • Turn-key consulting services to help you to get set up running quickly.
  • Introductory Cloud license offered for limited period allowing you to use configured processes and reports, at no cost.
  • Low-cost delivery options via Cloud or On-Premise deployment thereafter with packages starting from €20 per seat per month.

Next step: Contact us today to arrange a video-conference consultation and receive a summary high-level P3M3 assessment of the key dimensions of your projects with a Project Charter to conceptualise the key issues and an Action Plan.

Refocus and Reprioritise

DADA have partnered with InovaPrime to offer their strategic prioritisation tools to support your OPEX and CAPEX planning process and allowing you to do what-if scenario planning to optimise and select the best portfolio. Take advantage of our software which comes with pre-configured functionality that supports the capture of demand for new projects, weighting of decision-making criteria and, importantly, what-if-scenario planning that allows comparisons of different options to help you arrive at the best choices.

Out of the box Process Maps

Deployment can be via Cloud or SaaS Licensing allowing you the flexibility to choose the option to fit your scale of deployment and your company’s policies (backups, security) and integrations with other environments. With pre-built configured processes and reports available out-of-the box for to enhance your (1) Professional Services Automation (PSA), (2) IT Governance and (3) Portfolio Management (PPM) processes; you can test for yourself the value we can add.

  • Professional Services Automation (PSA)

  • Process best-practices for Governance of a Professional Services organisation

  • Available Medical SpecialtiesIncludes processes for:
  • Investigations and TreatmentsOrganisation Strategic Planning
  • Medical ConsultationSales Management
  • Home VisitsDelivery Management, including a PMO and Service Management for Service Contracts and Internal Services
  • Purchases and Expense Management
  • Pregnancy CareBilling
  • Medical AssistanceReporting to provide end to end visibility and control
  • IT Governance (ITG)

  • Process best-practices for IT Governance of any organisation

  • Available Medical SpecialtiesIncludes processes for:
  • Investigations and TreatmentsOrganisation Strategic Planning
  • Medical ConsultationPortfolio Planning and Execution
  • Home VisitsPortfolio execution, including a PMO and Service Management for Service Contracts and Internal Services
  • Purchases and Expense Management
  • Pregnancy Care
  • Medical AssistanceReporting to provide end to end visibility and control
  • Portfolio Management (PPM)

  • Process best-practices for Portfolio Management within any organisation

  • Available Medical SpecialtiesIncludes processes for:
  • Investigations and TreatmentsOrganisation Strategic Planning
  • Medical ConsultationPortfolio Planning and Execution
  • Home VisitsPortfolio execution, including a PMO
  • Purchases and Expense Management
  • Pregnancy Care
  • Medical AssistanceReporting to provide end to end visibility and control

Your Management Made Easy

Do you know the available capacity of your people, and the skills needed to achieve the business outcomes that will be required?

Our strategic prioritisation service will provide you with the tools and advice you need to make the right strategic investment decisions.

Communicate strategic business goals

  • How will your customers’ needs have been impacted?
  • What lessons will have been learned from remote working and virtual collaboration?
  • What new target operating models will need to be put in place?
  • What the available capacity of your resources are and the required skills needed for success?

Agile Organisations Need Agile Resources

Companies are now having to rethink how their projects are defined and planned. Current or Planned projects will need to be reprioritised with scarcer resources and restrictive social distancing rules. New initiatives to increase workflow automation will gain greater importance. Projects may need to become shorter, with faster time to value, employing an iterative approach to delivering incremental value. For some projects transitioning to this “new normal” may mean revising their business models to form Integrated Project Teams or Joint Venture (JV) with their Suppliers to deliver key projects. 

Take advantage of this strategic prioritisation service as part of our monthly packages to give you access to flexible expertise and resources allowing you to scale up at speed to take advantage of the opportunities from the recovery, without exposing you to further Employer H&S risks and headcount commitments. The resources will come armed with their own software and with their own free dedicated Resource Manager, which will manage their delivery, so you don’t have to.

The benefits of the “Consultancy by Subscription” approach are clear:
✔ Maximise Predictability in Resource Management
✔ Lean, agile solution for PM and staffing
✔ Flexibility to change resource mix quickly
✔ Optimise cash-flow whilst simultaneously re-engineering your project delivery

See how we can help you outsource your PM staffing and PMO needs. We’ll keep your projects strategically aligned so you can deliver on the benefits.

The Benefits of a Dada Package

Starter Package icon

Starter Package

• Keep critical applications current
• Access temporary staff
• Ensure optimum processes
• Get important software updates
• Configure standard reports

Premium Package icon

Premium Package

• Work faster by automation
• Improve information flows
• Manage interdependencies better
• Gain better control of projects
• Establish strategic project control

Enterprise Package icon

Enterprise Package

• Optimise system functionality
• Bespoke training for users
• Ensure optimal disaster recovery
• Leverage enhanced ERP systems
• Manage global changes effectively

Our strategic prioritisation service will provide you with the tools and advice you need to make great strategic investment decisions.
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