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Building Services & Engineering Projects

Why Projects Go Wrong – A Free Report & Audit

Are you planning a project now or in the near future?

Project delays, extra costs and financial penalties. Are these the inevitable costs you have to budget for when managing complex building services and engineering projects, involving multiple subcontractors and various disciplines?

There are many solutions out there to help you. But the problem is often knowing how to start. And if you use a big consultancy – and this is your first experience with a project of this type – you may not know:-

  1. what questions to ask,
  2. how long this work will take or even,
  3. what they are talking about.

Now you can benefit from a free audit and analysis to deal with these issues addressed from the start. And you can either use the report internally, with another consultancy, or with us. It is your choice.

Contact us and you will receive:

CIO Practice_iconProject Charter to enable you to scope out the project, and identify  and conceptualise the key issues:-

  • check if your systems and processes are up to date,
  • benchmark your against competitors,
  • identify areas of uncertainty, before it becomes a problem,
  • get reassurance about the timeline – and likely fate of a potential project.

public sector_icon    Summary high-level assessment of the key project dimensions:-

  • organisational governance
  • change management
  • schedule and interface management
  • finance management
  • resource management
  • teamwork and communications
  • risk management

construction_icon An Action Plan, so you know:-

  1. this is what a potential project could look like”,
  2. these are the underlying problems we found in your business”,
  3. these are the planned actions that we can take forward and do

Next step: Contact us today to arrange a call. We will then organise a meeting or Skype call to review the audit and how it can help your organisation.

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